The Ames Hymn Collection
Will the children be here when we need them?
Index by Tune Name
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Text and Music: Martin Luther
A New Name in Glory
Text and Music: Charles Austin Miles
A Passion for Souls
Text: Herbert G. Tovey, Music: Foss L. Fellers
A Shelter in the Time of Storm
Text: Vernon J. Charlesworth, Music: Ira D. Sankey
Abide with Me, Fast Falls the Eventide
Text: Henry F. Lyte, Music: William H. Monk
Again, as Evening's Shadow Falls
Text: Samuel Longfellow, Music: Ludwig van Beethoven
Ah, Whence to Me the Bliss
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed?
Text: Isaac Watts Music: Asa Hull
Alive for Evermore
Text: C. Russell Hurditch Music: J. H. Burke
All Creatures of Our God and King
Text: Giovanni Bernardone, Music: Geistliche Kirchengesang
All For Jesus
Text: Mary D. James, Music: John Stainer (arranged)
All Glory, Laud and Honor
Text: Theodulph of Orleans, Music: Melchior Teschner
All Hail, Immanuel!
Text: D.R. Van Sickle, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
All Praise to Him Who Dwells in Bliss
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: Frederick G. Baker
All Praise to Saint Patrick
Text: unknown, Music: English Traditional
All Praise to Thee, My God, this Night
Text: Thomas Ken, Music: Thomas Tallis
All The Way My Savior Leads Me
Text: Fanny J. Crosby Music: Robert Lowry
All Things In Jesus
Text and Music: Harry Dixon Loes
Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise
Text: unknown, Music: Traditional American Melody, Harmony: Brian M. Ames
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Text: William C. Dix, Music: Rowland H. Prichard
Almighty Father, Who Dost Give
Text: John Howard Masterman, Music: Psalmodia Evangelica
Almost Persuaded
Text and Music: Philip P. Bliss
Amazing Grace
Text: John Newton, Music: from Virgina Harmony
Text: Samuel F. Smith, Music: Henry Carey
America the Beautiful
Text: Katharine Lee Bates Music: Samuel A. Ward
And Now the Sun's Declining Rays
Text: Charles Coffin, Music: Joseph Barnby
Angels, from the Realms of Glory
Text: James Montgomery, Music: Henry T. Smart
Angels We Have Heard on High
Text: Les anges dans nos campagnes, Music: French Carol
Another Six Days Work Is Done
Text: Joseph Stennett, Music: Johann C.W.A. Mozart
"Are Ye Able," Said the Master
Text: Earl S. Marlatt, Music: Harry S. Mason
Are You Washed In the Blood?
Text and Music: Elisha A. Hoffman
Arise, the Kingdom Is at Hand
Text: Johann Rist, Music: Gesangbuch der Herzogl, Wirtembergischen
Around the Throne of God in Heaven
Text: Anne H. Shepherd Music: John Curwin's Tunebook
As the Dewy Shades of Even
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
As the Sun Doth Daily Rise
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: The Parish Choir, 1850
As with Gladness Men of Old
Text: William C. Dix, Music: Conrad Kocher
Aspiration to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Aspiration to the Sacred Heart
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
At Even, When the Sun Was Set
Text: Henry Twells, Music: Georg Joseph
At Your Baptism in the Jordan, O Lord,
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
Aurora Lucis Rutilat
Text: Latin, 6th century, Music: Brian M. Ames
Ave Maria
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: J. Wiegand
Ave Maria
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: Franz Peter Schubert
Ave Maria
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: Tomas Luis de Victoria
Ave, Maris Stella
Text: Paul the Deacon, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Ave Verum
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: Wolfgang A. Mozart
Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun
Text: Thomas Ken, Music: Francois H. Barthelemon
Away In a Manger
Text: John T. McFarland (vs 3), Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
Be Joyful, Mary
Text: Latin Traditional Music: Catholicum Hymnologium Germanicum
Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread
Text: James Montgomery Music: John Day's Psalter
Be Still, My Soul
Text: Katharina von Schlegel, Music: Jean Sibelius
Be Thou My Vision
Text: 8th century Irish hymn, Music: Irish folk tune
Beautiful Angel
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
Text: Jessie B. Pounds, Music: J.S. Fearis
Because I Love Jesus
Text: James Rowe, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Behold a Sower! from Afar
Text: Washington Gladden, Music: English traditional
Behold The Lamb of God!
Text: Matthew Bridges, Music: George William Warren
Believe On the Lord Jesus Christ
Text: Avis B. Christiansen, Music: Harry D. Clark
Blessed Are You, O Christ Our God
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
Blessed Assurance
Text: Fanny J. Crosby, Music: Phoebe P. Knapp
Blessed Calvary
Text: Christian B. Anson, Music: Lance B. Latham
Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
Text: Traditional Melkite Music: Cyril Haddad
Blessed Quietness
Text: Manie Payne Ferguson Music: W. S. Marshall
Blest Be the Tie that Binds
Text: John Fawcett, Music: Hans G. Naegeli
Bread of the King for Mercy Broken
Text: Brian M. Ames, Music: Louis Bourgeois
Bread of the World in Mercy Broken
Text: Reginald Heber, Music: Louis Bourgeois
Breast the Wave
Text: Joseph Stammers, Music: George F. Root
Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Text: Edwin Hatch, Music: Robert Jackson
Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Text: unknown, Music: unknown
Bring Them In
Text: Alexcenah Thomas, Music: William A. Ogden
Bringing In the Sheaves
Text: Knowles Shaw, Music: George A. Minor
Calm on the Listening Ear of Night
Text: Edmund H. Sears, Music: John B. Dykes
Channels Only
Text: Mary E. Maxwell, Music: Ada Rose Gibbs
Child in the Manger
Text: Mary MacDonald. Music: Gaelic Traditional, harmony Brian Ames
Christ Arose
Text and Music: Robert Lowry
Christ Is King
Text: Charles Reign Scoville, Music: DeLoss Smith
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
Text: Latin, 7th century, Music: Henry T. Smart
Christ Is Risen
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
Christ Is Risen from the Dead
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
Text: Erdmann Neumeister, Music: James McGranahan
Christ Returneth
Text: H. L. Turner, Music: James McGranahan
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: from Lyra Davidica 1708
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Text: Victimae Paschali, Music: Robert Williams
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: Charles F. Gounod
Christian, Dost Thou See Them?
Text: St. Andrew of Crete, Music: John B. Dykes
Cleanse Me
Text: J. Edwin Orr, Music: Maori Melody, arranged
Come, All Ye People
Text: Americus W. Conner, Music: Charles Gounod
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
Text: Rabanus Maurus, Music: Louis Lambillotte
Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: Abraham Maxim
Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Waking
Text: F.R.L. Canitz, Music: Franz Josef Haydn
Come, Thou Almighty King
Text: unknown, Music: Felice de Giardini
Come, Thou Fount
Text: Robert Robinson, Music: John Wyeth
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: Dutch Traditional
Come Unto Me, Ye Weary
Text: William C. Dix, Music: Welsh Hymnn Melody
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain
Text: John of Damascus, Music: Arthur Sullivan
Come, Ye Sinners
Text: Joseph Hart, Music: J. Ingalls
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
Text: Johannes Olearius, Music: Johann Schop
Communion Song
Text: Brian M. Ames, Music: Brian M. Ames
Constantly Abiding
Text: Anne S. Murphy, Music: Anne S. Murphy
Count Your Blessings
Text: Johnson Oatman Jr., Music: Edwin O. Excell
Crown Him King of Kings
Text: Eben E. Rexford, Music: DeLoss Smith
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Text: Matthew Bridges, Music: George J. Elvey
Dare To Be a Daniel
Text: Philip P. Bliss, Music: Philip P. Bliss
Day Is Dying in the West
Text: Mary A. Lathbury, Music: William F. Sherwin
Dear Little Stranger
Text and Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Desire of Heaven
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ
Text: Lucy Larcom, Music: Arthur S. Sullivan
Duw yw fy nerh a'm noddfa lawn
Text: William Williams, Music: Day's Psalter
Ecce Panis
Text: St. Thomas Aquinas, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Text: William Whiting, Music: John B. Dykes
Eternal Father, When to Thee
Text: Harvey D. Ganse, Music: William Knapp
Eve of Communion
Text: unknown, Music: Louis Lambillotte
Evening Prayer
Text: James Edmeston, Music: George C. Stebbins
Every Morning Mercies New
Text: Greville Phillimore, Music: Edward J. Hopkins
Fairest Lord Jesus
Text: Munster Gesangbuch, Music: Schlesische Volkslieder
Faith Is the Victory
Text: John H. Yates, Music: Ira D. Sankey
Faith of Our Fathers
Text: Frederick W. Faber Music: Henri F. Hemy
Faith of Our Mothers
Text: A. B. Patten Music: Henri F. Hemy
Far Beyond All Comprehension
Text: Richard Lee Music: Russian folksong, Arr. V. Chandler
Father, Again in Jesus' Name We Meet
Text: Lucy E. G. Whitmore, Music: Joseph Barnby
Fill Me Now
Text: Elwood H. Stokes. Music: John R. Sweney
Fling Out the Banner, Let It Float
Text: George W. Doane, Music: John B. Calkin
For the Beauty of the Earth
Text: Folliet S. Pierpoint, Music: Conrad Kocher
Forward! Be Our Watchword
Text: Henry Alford, Music: Henry T. Smart
From All That Dwell below the Skies
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: John Hatton
Give Him Praise
Text: Ada Blenkhorn, Music: Ira B. Wilson
Give Me Thy Heart
Text: Eliza E. Hewitt, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
Give Your Best To The Master
Text: Howard B. Grose, Music: Charlotte A. Barnard
Text: Jennie Ree, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Text: John Newton, Music: Franz Joseph Haydn
Glory to His Name
Text: Elisha A. Hoffman, Music: John H. Stockton
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Text: Spiritual, Music: Spiritual
Go Ye into All the World
Text: James McGranahan, Music: James McGranahan
God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens
Text: John Bowring, Music: T. A. Willis
God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength
Text: Psalm 46, Scottish Psalter, Music: Este's Psalter, 1592
God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
Text: Daniel C. Roberts, Music: George William Warren
God of the Covenant, Triune Jehovah
Text: Jessie F. Webb Music: Henry J. Gauntlett
God of the Glorious Sunshine
Text: Thomas Paxton Music: Welsh Traditional
God, That Madest Earth and Heaven
Text: Reginald Heber & others, Music: Welsh Traditional
God, the Lord, a King Remaineth
Text: John Keble, Music: Henry T. Smart
God, Whose Almighty Word
Text: John Marriot, Music: Felice de Giardini
God Will Take Care of You
Text: Civlla D. Martin. Music: Walter S. Martin
God, Our Father, We Adore Thee
Text: G.W. Frazer, Music: John Zundel
God's Holy Will
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Text: Christopher Wordsworth Music: John Stainer
Great God, We Sing that Mighty Hand
Text: Philip Doddridge, Music: William Knapp
Grosser Gott, Wir Loben Dich!
Text: Ignaz Franz Music: Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna 1776
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Text: William Williams Music: John Hughes
Hail! Sacred Day of Earthly Rest,
Text: Godfrey Thring, Music: Edmund S. Carter
Hail this Blessed Easter Day!
Text: ? Music: ?
Hail, Thou Bright and Sacred Morn
Text: Julia Anne Elliot, Music: Johann G. Ebeling
Hail to the Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning
Text: Thomas Hastings, Music: Lowell Mason
Hail, Virgin, Dearest Mary
Text: unknown, Music: Louis Lambillotte
Hallelujah for the Cross!
Text: Horatius Bonar, Music: James McGranahan
Hallelujah, What a Savior!
Text: Philip P. Bliss, Music: Philip P. Bliss
Hark! Ten Thousand
Text: Thomas Kelly, Music: Lowell Mason
Hark, the Glad Sound, the Savior Comes
Text: Philip Doddridge, Music: Nicolaus Hermann
He Died for Me
Text: John Newton, Music: Edwin O. Excell
He Hideth My Soul
Text: Fanny J. Crosby, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
He Is Coming Again
Text and Music: Mabel J. Camp
He Keeps Me Singing
Text and Music: Luther B. Bridges
He Leadeth Me
Text: Joseph H. Gilmore, Music: William B. Bradbury
He Lives on High
Text: Baylus Benjamin McKinney, Music: Hawaiian Folk Song "Aloha Oe"
He Wants a Poor Sinner Like Me
Text: Maud Frazer, Music: Robert Harkness
Heart of Jesus, All for Thee
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Heart of Jesus, Meek and Mild
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Held In His Mighty Arms
Text and Music: Winfield Macomber
Hiding In Thee
Text: William O. Cushing, Music: Ira D. Sankey
Higher Ground
Text: Johnson Oatman, Jr., Music: Charles H. Gabriel
His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Text: Civilla D. Martin, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
His Grace Is Keeping Me
Text: James Rowe, Music: James M. Black
Holy Ghost, With Light Divine
Text: Andrew Reed, Music: Louis M. Gottschalk
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Text: Te Deum Laudamus, Music: Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, 1774
Holy Joseph, Dearest Father
Text: Sisters of Notre Dame, Music: L. Niedermeyer
Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide
Text and Music: Marcus M. Wells
Holy Spirit, From On High
Text: William H. Bathurst, Music: Carl M. von Weber
Holy, Holy, Holy
Text: Reginald Heber, Music: John B. Dykes
How Excellent Is Thy Name
Text and Music: George F. Root
I Am Glad They Came with Singing
Text: Mary A. McKee, Music: George F. Root
I Am His, And He Is Mine
Text: George Wade Robinson, Music: Rev. J. Mountain
I Have a Savior
Text: Robert Harkness, Music: Robert Harkness
I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
Text: Horatio Bonar, Music: John B. Dykes
I Hope to Meet You All in Glory
Text: Emma Pitt, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Text: Samuel Medley, Music: John Hatton
I Know Whom I Have Believed
Text: Daniel W. Whittle, Music: James McGranahan
I Love Him
Text: English Hymn Book, Music: Stephen Collins Foster
I Love To Tell The Story
Text: Catherine Hankey, Music: William G. Fischer
I Shall Dwell Forever There
Text: Rev. Alfred H. Ackley, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
I Shall Sing in Heaven
Text and Music: Charles C. Converse
I Think, When I Read that Sweet Story
Text: Jemima Luke, Music: Unknown
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
Text: Francis H. Rowley, Music: Peter P. Bilhorn
I Would Be Like Jesus
Text: James Rowe, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
I'll Be a Sunbeam
Text: Nellie Talbot, Music: Edwin O. Excell
In Heavenly Love Abiding
Text: Anna Laetitia Waring, Music: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
In Heavenly Love Abiding
Text: Anna Laetitia Waring, Music: Finnish Melody
In Heavenly Pastures
Text: Mrs. A. M. Whitaker, Music: George F. Root
In Tenderness He Sought Me
Text: W. Spencer Walton Music: Adoniram J. Gordon
In The Garden
Text: C. Austin Miles, Music: C. Austin Miles
In the Morning I Will Raise
Text: William H. Furness, Music: William D. Maclagan
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,
Text: Polish Carol, Music: arr. Brian Ames
Is It The Crowning Day?
Text: George Walker Whitcomb, Music: Charles R. Marsh
It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him
Text: Avis M. Burgeson, Music: Haldor Lillenas
It Is Not Death To Die
Text: George W. Bethune Music: Johann Sebastian Bach
It Is Well with My Soul
Text: Horatio G. Spafford, Music: Philip P. Bliss
Ivory Palaces
Text: Henry Barraclough, Music: Henry Barraclough
Jerusalem the Golden
Text: Bernard of Cluny, Music: Alexander Ewing
Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be
Text: Joseph Grigg, Music: Henry K. Oliver
Jesus Bids Us Shine
Text: Susan B. Warner, Music: Edwin O. Excell
Jesus Has Lifted Me
Text: Avis B. Christiansen, Music: Haldor Lillenas
Jesus, I Am Resting
Text: Jean Sophie Pigott, Music: James Mountain
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
Text: Henry F. Lyte, Music: Henry T. Smart
Jesus Invites His Saints
Text: Isaac Watts Music: A. E. Lord
Jesus Is Calling
Text: Frances J. Crosby, Music: George C. Stebbins
Jesus Is Coming Again!
Text: Daniel W. Whittle, Music: James McGranahan
Jesus Is the Children's Savior
Text: Civilla D. Martin, Music: Ira O. Hoffman
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Text: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph Parry
Jesus Loves Me
Text: Anna B. Warner, Music: William B. Bradbury
Jesus Loves Me
Text: Anna B. Warner, Music: William B. Bradbury, Arr: Brian M. Ames
Jesus, Our Love, Is Crucified
Text: Frederick W. Faber, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Jesus Saves
Text: Priscilla J. Owens, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me
Text: Edward Hopper, Music: John E. Gould
Jesus Shall Reign
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: John Hatton
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Text: Bernard of Clairvaux, Music: John B. Dykes
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Text: Bernard of Clairvaux, Music: Henry W. Baker
Jewels (When He Cometh)
Text: William O. Cushing, Music: George F. Root
Jonah and the Whale
Text: unknown, Music: Arranged by Brian M. Ames
Joy to the World!
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: George Frideric Handel
Just As I Am
Text: Charlotte Elliott, Music: William B. Bradbury
Lead Me to Calvary
Text: Jennie Evelyn Hussey, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
Lead On, O King Eternal
Text: Ernest W. Shurtleff, Music: Henry Smart
Lead Us, Heavenly Father
Text: James Edmeston, Music: Essay on Church Plain Chant, 1782
Lead, Kindly Light
Text: John H. Newman, Music: John B. Dykes
Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
Text: Elisha A. Hoffman, Music: Anthony J. Showalter
Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart
Text and Music: Leila N. Morris
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
Text and Music: Philip P. Bliss
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Text: Georg Weissel, Music: William Knapp
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Text: Georg Weissel, Music: J. A. Freylinghausen
Lift Up Your Hearts!
Text: Henry Montague Butler Music: Walter Greatorex
Light of Light, Enlighten Me
Text: Benjamin Schmolck; Music: Uzziah C. Burnap
Listen to the Heart of Jesus
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Litany of the Passion of Jesus
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Little Heralds
Text: David J. Beattie, Music: T.R. Allen
Living For Jesus
Text: Thomas O. Chisholm, Music: C. Harold Lowden
Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing
Text: John Fawcett, Music: Sicilian Melody
Lord, In the Morning Thou Shalt Hear
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: Herbert S. Irons
Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us
Text: Eliza S. Alderson, Music: Rowland H. Prichard
Lord of Light, Whose Name Outshineth
Text: Howell E. Lewis, Music: William S. Bambridge
Lord of the Sabbath, Hear Us Pray
Text: Phillip Doddridge, Music: William Gardiner's "Sacred Melodies"
Lord, when we bend before Thy throne
Text: Joseph D. Carlyle, Music: Arthur Cottman
Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
Text: Claudia F. Hermann Music: John Day's Psalter
Loud Let the Trumpet Sound
Text: unknown, Music: George F. Root
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: William Penfro Rowlands
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: John Zundel
Love Found a Way
Text: Avis B. Christiansen, Music: Harry D. Loes
Love Lifted Me
Text: James Rowe, Music: Howard E. Smith
Magnet of Souls! O Holy Face
Text: unknown, Music: Louis Lambillotte
Make Me a Captive, Lord
Text: George Matheson, Music: George J. Elvey
Make Me This Day A Sharer In Your Mystical Supper
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Traditional Melkite Melody
May Jesus Christ Be Praised
Text: Katholisches Gesangbuch, Music: Joseph Barnby
Mercy, O thou Son of David
Text and Music: Southern Harmony
More Like The Master
Text and Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Mother Loved
Text: Sisters of Notre Dame, Music: Loius Lambillotte
Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me
Text: Lizzie DeArmond, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
My Ain Countrie
Text: Mary Lee Demarest, Music: Scottish Air
My Anchor Holds
Text: W. C. Martin, Music: Daniel B. Towner
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Text: Ray Palmer, Music: Lowell Mason
My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet?
Text: Charlotte Elliott Music: George Lomas
My God, My Life
Text and Music: from Sisters of Notre Dame
My Lord, My Love, Was Crucified,
Text: John Mason, Music: John B. Dykes
My Mother's Prayer
Text: Judson W. VanDeVenter, Music: Winfield S. Weeden
My Redeemer
Text: Philip P. Bliss, Music: James McGranahan
My Savior First Of All
Text: Frances J. Crosby, Music: John R. Sweney
My Savior's Love
Text and Music: Charles H. Gabriel
My Soul, Be On Thy Guard
Text: George Heath, Music: Lowell Mason
Nearer, My God, to Thee
Text: Sarah F. Adams, Music: Lowell Mason
Need For You
Text: William C. Poole, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
New Every Morning Is the Love
Text: John Keble, Music: Samuel Webbe
No Cross to Carry Over There
Text: Johnson Oatman Jr., Music: Charles H. Gabriel
No Other Name But Jesus
Text: Henry V. Neal, Music: George F. Root
No, Not One!
Text: Johnson Oatman Jr., Music: George C. Hugg
Nor Silver Nor Gold
Text: James M. Gray, Music: Daniel B. Towner
Now from the Altar of My Heart
Text: John Mason, Music: William H. Havergal
Now God Be with Us, for the Night Is Closing
Text: Petrus Herbert, Music: Joseph Barnby
Now in the Days of Youth
Text: Walter J. Mathams, Music: George J. Elvey
Now the Time Has Come to Part
Text: unknown, Music: Wolfgang A. Mozart
Now, When the Dusky Shades of Night
Text: Gregory I, Music: John Stainer
O Arglwydd! Na Cheridda Fi
Text: Edmund Prys, Music: R. H. Williams
O Blessed Sun Whose Splendor
Text: Karl Johann Philipp Spitta, Music: Finnish Melody
O Brother Man
Text: John Greenleaf Whittier, Music: Alfred Scott-Gatty
O Christ God, with the Saints Grant Rest
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Text: Attr. to John F. Wade, Music: John F. Wade
O Come, Divine Messiah
Text: Simon J. Pellegrin, Music: 16th cent French carol, Harmony: Brian M. Ames
O Come, Little Children
Text: Johann C. von Schmid, Music: Unknown
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: Gregorian Chant
O Cross of Love
Text: Thomas O. Chisholm, Music: Charles H. Gabriel, Arrangement: Brian M. Ames
O Day of Rest and Gladness
Text: Christopher Wordsworth, Music: Berthold Tours
O Day of Rest and Gladness
Text: Christopher Wordsworth, Music: German melody arr. by Lowell Mason
O For a Closer Walk With God
Text: William Cowper, Music: John B. Dykes
O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: Joseph Funk
O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: Carl G. Glaser
O God, Before Thy Sun's Bright Beams
Text: Greville Phillimore, Music: Alexander R. Reinagle
O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand
Text: Leonard Bacon, Music: William Knapp
O God of hosts, the mighty Lord
Text: Psalm 84, Music: Frederick G. Baker
O Holy Night
Text: Placide Clappeau, Music: Adolphe Charles Adam
O Jesus We Adore Thee
Text: Arthur T. Russell, Music: Hans Leo Hassler
O Jesus, We Only Look to Thee
Text: Charlotte Elliott Music: Old Welsh melody
O Light of Life, O Saviour Dear
Text: Francis T. Palgrave, Music: Herbert S. Oakley
O Lord, Save Your People and Bless Your Inheritance
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Text: George Matheson, Music: J.B. Herbert
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
Text: George Matheson, Music: Albert L. Peace
O Maria Sine Labe Concepta
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
O Mary Conceived without Sin
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
O Master of the Waking World
Text: Frank Mason North, Music: John B. Dykes
O Morning Star
Text: unknown, Music: George F. Root
O Mother, Will It Always Be?
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah
Text: Psalm 103, Music: James McGranahan
O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah
Text: Psalm 103, Music: Gaetano Donizetti, arr. J.B. Herbert
O Never-Failing Protectress of Christians
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
O Only Begotten Son and Word of God
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Traditional Melkite Melody
O Paradise!
Text: Frederick W. Faber, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
O Quickly Come, Dread Judge of All
Text: Lawrence Tuttiett, Music: John B. Dykes
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Text: Bernard of Clairvaux, Music: Hans Leo Hassler
O Sacred Heart! O Love Divine
Text: ? Music: ?
O Sacrum Convivium
Text: unknown, Music: Roberto Remondi
O Salutaris Hostia
Text: St. Thomas Aquinas, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
O Splendor of God's Glory Bright
Text: Ambrose of Milan, Music: Musikalisches Handbuch, Hamburg
O That Will Be Glory
Text: Charles H. Gabriel, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
O Thou God of My Salvation
Text: Thomas Olivers, Music: Daniel B. Towner
O What Can Little Hands Do?
Text: unknown, Music: "Farin"
O What Could My Jesus Do More
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
O Where Are Kings and Empires Now?
Text: Arthur C. Coxe, Music: William Croft
O Word of God Incarnate
Text: William W. How, Music: Meiningen Gesangbuch
O Worship the King
Text: Robert Grant, Music: Johann Michael Haydn
Oh! the Priceless Love of Jesus!
Text: Frederick W. Faber, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry
Text: Charles Coffin Music: Musikalisches Handbuch, Hamburg
On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand
Text: Samuel Stennett, Music: George F. Root
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
Text: unknown, Music: Louis Lambillotte
Once to Every Man and Nation
Text: James R. Lowell, Music: Welsh Hymn Tune
One Day!
Text: J. Wilbur Chapman, Music: Charles H. Marsh
Only a Sinner
Text: James M. Gray, Music: Daniel B. Towner
Only One Way
Text: Eben E. Rexford, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Onward Christian Soldiers
Text: Sabine Baring-Gould, Music: Arthur S. Sullivan
Our Day of Praise Is Done
Text: John Ellerton, Music: Horatio W. Parker
Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: William Croft
Our Great Savior
Text: J. Wilbur Chapman, Music: Rowland Prichard, arr. R. Harkness
Our Lady of Lourdes
Text: unknown, Music: Louis Lambillotte
Pange Lingua Gloriosi
Text: Thomas Aquinas, Music: Gregorian chant
Pass Me Not
Text: Fanny J. Crosby, Music: William H. Doane
Pentecostal Power
Text and Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
Text: Henry F. Lyte, Music: Walter B. Gilbert
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Text: Fanny J. Crosby, Music: Chester G. Allen
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Text: Henry Francis Lyte, Music: Essay on Church Plain Chant, 1782
Praises Everywhere
Text: Edith Sanford Tillotson, Music: Bentley D. Ackley, Harmony: Brian M. Ames
Pure White Ribbons
Text: Edith Sanford Tillotson, Music: Homer A. Rodeheaver
Quickly from the Empty Tomb
Text: Brian M. Ames, Music: Brian M. Ames
Raindrops of Mercy
Text: Laura M. Moore, Music: DeLoss Smith
Receive the Body, The Body of Christ
Text: I. Sakellaridis, Music: Cyril Haddad
Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Text: Charles Wesley Music: George Frideric Handel
Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: John Darwall
Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart
Text: Edward H. Plumptre, Music: Arthur M. Messiter
Rescue the Perishing
Text: Frances J. Crosby, Music: William H. Doane
Revive Thy Work, O Lord!
Text: Albert Midlane, Music: William Amps
Revive Us Again
Text: William P. MacKay Music: John P. Husband
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
Text: Augustus M. Toplady, Music: Thomas Hastings
Rose of the Cross
Text: Frederick W. Faber, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Round Me Falls the Night
Text: William Romanis, Music: Adam Drese
Rhyfeddol byth, rhyfeddol
Text: Michael Roberts, Music: Welsh Hymn Melody
Safely Through Another Week
Text: John Newton, Music: Lowell Mason
Saint of God, Elect and Precious
Text: tr. John Mason Neale, Music: Samuel Webbe
Salve Regina
Text: Latin Traditional, Music: Anton Sterr
Saved By Grace
Text: Frances J. Crosby, Music: George C. Stebbins
Saved By the Blood
Text: S. J. Henderson, Music: Daniel B. Towner
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Text: Dorothy A. Thrupp, Music: William B. Bradbury
Saviour, When in Dust to Thee
Text: Robert Grant, Music: Arranged by Benjamin Carr
Send The Light!
Text: Charles H. Gabriel, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Send Thy Spirit
Text: W. E. Winks, Music: Welsh Hymn Tune
Silent Night!, Holy Night!
Text: Joseph Mohr, Music: Franz Grüber
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
Text: Rufus H. McDaniel, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
Since the Fullness of His Love Came In
Text: Eliza E. Hewitt, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
Sleep, Sleep
Text: Alfred H. Ackley, Music: Alfred H. Ackley
So Let Our Lips and Lives Express
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: William Knapp
Softly and Tenderly
Text and Music: Will L. Thompson
Softly now the light of day
Text: George W. Doane, Music: Carl Maria von Weber
Soldiers of Christ, Arise
Text: Charles Wesley, Music: George J. Elvey
"Some Day" May Be Too Late
Text: James Rowe, Music: DeLoss Smith
Sometime, Somewhere
Text: Ophelia G. Adams, Music: Charles D. Tillman
Song of the Sunbeams
Text: Edith Sanford Tillotson, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
Songs of Praises
Text: Rev. William Williams, Music: William Owen
Sorrows of Mary
Text: D.J.E. Rankin, Music: Verschneider
Spirit divine, attend our prayers
Text: Andrew Reed, Music: William Schulthes
Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart
Text: George Croly, Music: Frederic C. Atkinson
Stabat Mater
Text: Mainz Gesangbuch, Music: Mainz Gesangbuch
Standing On the Promises
Text and Music: R. Kelso Carter
Star of Ocean, Lead Us
Text: Ave Maris Stella, Music: Caspar Ett, Harmony: Brian M. Ames
Stepping In the Light
Text: Eliza E. Hewitt, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
Summer Skies Are Glowing
Text: William W. How Music: Samuel Smith
Sun of My Soul, Thou Saviour Dear
Text: John Keble, Music: Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna
Text: Judson W. VanDeVenter, Music: Winfield S. Weeden
Sunshine in the Soul
Text: Eliza E. Hewitt, Music: John R. Sweney
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Text: William W. Walford, Music: William B. Bradbury, Accompaniment: Brian M. Ames
Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: Ignaz J. Pleyel
Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love
Text and Music: Peter P. Bilhorn
Sweeter As The Years Go By
Text and Music: Leila N. Morris
Sweetly the Holy Hymn
Text: Charles H. Spurgeon, Music: Charles Steggall
Swing Song
Text: Edith Sanford Tillotson, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
Take Time to Be Holy
Text: William D. Longstaff, Music: George C. Stebbins
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
Text: Thomas Aquinas, Music: Samuel Webbe
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
Text: Thomas Aquinas, Music: Essay on Church Plain Chant, 1782
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Text: Frances J. Crosby, Music: John R. Sweney
Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord!
Text: Timothy Dudley Smith Music: Walter Greatorex
Ten Thousand Time Ten Thousand
Text: Henry Alford, Music: John B. Dykes
That Beautiful Name
Text: Jean Perry, Music: Mabel Johnston Camp
The Angel Cried Out to the One Who Is Full of Grace
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
The Armageddon Hosts
Text: Charles Reign Scoville, Music: Haldor Lillenas
The Banner of The Cross
Text: Daniel W. Whittle, Music: James McGranahan
The Bible Stands
Text and Music: Haldor Lillenas
The Children's Prayer
Text: Brian M. Ames, Music: Brian Ames
The Church in the Wildwood
Text: James Rowe, Music: William S. Pitts
The Church's One Foundation
Text: Samuel J. Stone, Music: Samuel S. Wesley
The Crowning Day Is Coming
Text: Daniel W. Whittle Music: James McGranahan
The Dawn Was Purpling O'er the Sky
Text: Aurora Lucis Rutilat, 6 c. Music: Unknown
The Day Is Gently Sinking to a Close
Text: Christopher Wordworth, Music: Henry Smart
The Day Is Passed and Over
Text: Early Greek, Music: Arthur H. Brown
The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
Text: John Ellerton, Music: Clement C. Scholefield
The First Nowell
Text: English Traditional, Music: Traditional 17th century English carol
The Gospel Singer
Text and Music: George F. Root
The Great Change
Text: Charles Reign Scoville, Music: DeLoss Smith
The Great Physician
Text: William Hunter, Music: John H. Stockton
The Haven of Rest
Text: Henry L. Gilmour, Music: George D. Moore
The Holy City
Text: F. E. Weatherly, Music: Stephen Adams
The Holy Family
Text: Brian M. Ames, Music: Brian M. Ames
The Holy Ghost Is Here
Text: Charles H. Spurgeon, Music: Aaron Williams' Psalmody
The Holy Spirit
Text and Music: Philip P. Bliss
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Text: Henry W. Baker, Music: John B. Dykes
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Text: Henry W. Baker, Music: Irish Melody
The Light of the World Is Jesus
Text and Music: Philip P. Bliss
The Little Christ Asleep
Text: Lizzie DeArmond, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
The Lord Be with Us as We Bend
Text: John Ellerton, Music: Henry T. Smart
The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth
Text: Richard Hainsworth, Music: Haldor Lillenas
The Lord Shall Come and Not Be Slow
Text: John Milton Music: John Day's Psalter
The Morning Purples All the Sky
Text: Alexander R. Thompson, Music: John B. Dykes
The New Song
Text: Arthur T. Pierson Music: Philip P. Bliss
The Old Rugged Cross
Text: Rev. George Bennard, Music: Rev. George Bennard
The Palms
Text: unknown, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
The Radiant Morn Has Passed Away
Text: Godfrey Thring, Music: Charles F. Gounod
The Rock That Is Higher Than I
Text: Erastus Johnson, Music: William G. Fischer
The School Bell
Text: Edith Sanford Tillotson, Music: Bentley D. Ackley
The Shadows of the Evening Hours
Text: Adelaide A. Procter, Music: Henry Hiles
The Smile of Jesus
Text and Music: from Sisters of Notre Dame
The Soul Is Free
George F. Root, Music: George F. Root
The Straying Sheep
Text: , Music: Robert Lowry
The Sun Is Sinking Fast
Text: Trans Edward Caswall, Music: Herbert S. Irons
The Sunday-School Brigade
Text: James Rowe, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
The Sweet Story of Old
Text: Jemima Luke, Music: J.C.Englebrecht
The Touch Of His Hand On Mine
Text: Jessie Pounds Brown, Music: Henry P. Morton
The Trumpet Shall Sound
Text: 1 Cor. XV: 52, 53, Music: George Frideric Handel
The Unveiled Christ
Text and Music: N. B. Herrell
The Way of the Cross Leads Home
Text: Jessie Brown Pounds, Music: Charles H. Gabriel
There Is a Balm in Gilead
Text: Spiritual, Music: Spiritual
There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
Text: William Cowper, Music: Early American Melody
There Is a Land of Pure Delight
Text: Isaac Watts Music: George F. Root
There Is Power in the Blood
Text and Music: Lewis E. Jones
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
Text: Maj. Daniel W. Whittle, Music: James McGranahan
There Was Joy in Heaven
Text: from German, Music: Charles C. Converse
They Who Seek the Throne of Grace
Text: Oliver Holden Music: Henry J. Gauntlett
Thine Be the Glory
Text: Edmond L. Budry Music: George Frideric Handel
The Day, O Lord, Is Spent
Text: John Mason Neale, Music: George Kingsley
This Is My Father's World
Text: Maltbie D. Babcock, Music: Franklin L. Sheppard
This Is the Day of Light
Text: John Ellerton, Music: Herbert S. Oakeley
This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: Arthur Cottman
This Night, O Lord, We Bless Thee
Text: James D. Burns, Music: Samuel J. Wesley
Thou Art My God
Text and Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Thou Hast Stood Here, Lord Jesus
Text: James G. Deck, Music: Lord Crofton
Through the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us
Text: Thomas Kelly, Music: Joseph Barnby
Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow
Text: Bernhardt S. Ingemann, Music: William S. Bambridge
'Tis Good, Lord, To Be Here!
Text: Joseph A. Robinson Music: Johann Sebastian Bach
'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
Text: Louisa M. R. Stead, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
To Thy Temple I Repair
Text: James Montgomery, Music: Arthur H. Brown
Today the Virgin Gives Birth
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
Troparion of St. John Chrysostom
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad, Brian Ames
Trust and Obey
Text: John H. Sammis, Music: Daniel B. Towner
Trust Him When Thy Wants Are Many
Text: Lucy A. Bennett, Music: T. A. Willis
'Twas a Glad Day When Jesus Found Me
Text and Music: Albert S. Reitz
Two Little Hands
Text: William A. Ogden, Music: William A. Ogden
Under His Wings
Text: William O. Cushing, Music: Ira D. Sankey
Verily, Verily
Text: James McGranahan, Music: James McGranahan
Vision of the Five Wounds
Text: Eleanor C. Donnelly, Music: Sunday School Hymn Book, S.N.D.
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
Text: John Bowring, Music: George J. Elvey
We Are Going Down the Valley
Text: Jessie B. Pounds, Music: James H. Fillmore
We Are Little Christians
Text: Civilla D. Martin, Music: Ira O. Hoffman
We Are Living, We Are Dwelling
Text: Arthur Cleveland Coxe, Music: Dutch Traditional
We Come, the Gospel Heralds
Text: J. V. Neal, Music: George F. Root
We Gather Together
Text: Dutch Folk Song Music: arranged Edward Kremser
We Have An Anchor
Text: Priscilla J. Owens, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer
Text: Julia B. C. Cory Music: arranged Edward Kremser
We, Your Servants, Ascribe to You
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Traditional Melkite Melody
We're Marching to Zion
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: Robert Lowry
We've a Story to Tell to the Nations
Text: Colin Sterne Music: H. Ernest Nichol
Wel, dyma'r eiddil, dyma'r gwan,
Text: William Williams, Music: Prys' Psalter
Welcome, Delightful Morn
Text: Dobell's "Selection", Music: Samuel S. Wesley
Welcome, Sweet Day of Rest,
Text: Isaac Watts, Music: Daniel Read
We're Going Home Tomorrow
Text: Paulina, Music: Philip P. Bliss
What God Hath Promised
Text: Annie J. Flint, Music: William M. Runyan
What If It Were Today?
Text and Music: Leila N. Morris
When I See the Blood
Text and Music: John G Foote & E.A.H.
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Text: Isaac Watts Music: Lowell Mason
When the Mists Have Rolled Away
Text: Annie Herbert, Music: Ira D. Sankey
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
Text: James M. Black, Music: James M. Black
When We All Get to Heaven
Text: Eliza E. Hewitt, Music: Emily D. Wilson
Where Cross The Crowded Ways of Life
Text: Franklin Mason North, Music: William Gardiner's Sacred Melodies
Whiter Than Snow
Text: James L. Nicholson, Music: William G. Fischer
Whosoever Will
Text and Music: Philip P. Bliss
Why Should I Fear the Darkest Hour
Text: John Newton Music: unknown
Will Jesus Find Us Watching?
Text: Frances J. Crosby, Music: William H. Doane
Within the Father's House
Text: James R. Woodford, Music: Joseph Barnby
Won't You Come Back Home?
Text: James Rowe, Music: DeLoss Smith
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Text and Music: Haldor Lillenas
Wonderful Peace
Text: W. D. Cornell, Music: W. G. Cooper
Wonderful Words of Life
Text and Music: Philip P. Bliss
Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus
Text: Anna Belle Russell, Music: Ernest O. Sellers
Work for the Night Is Coming
Text: Anna L. Walker, Music: Lowell Mason
Y mae trysorau dwyfol ras
Text: William Williams, Music: William Jones
Y Man bech di, fy Arglwydd mawr
Text: William Williams, Music: Welsh Hymn Melody
Ye Must Be Born Again
Text: William T. Sleeper Music: George C. Stebbens
Ye Must Be Willing
Text and Music: George F. Root
Yield Not To Temptation
Text and Music: Horatio R. Palmer
You May Have the Joy-bells
Text: J. Edward Ruark, Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
You Were Transfigured on the Mountain
Text: Melkite Traditional, Music: Cyril Haddad
Yr Arglwydd a'm carodd i'n rhyfedd erioed
Text: William Williams, Music: Welsh Hymn Melody
There are 529 Hymn texts listed on this page.
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All MIDI sequences are copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Brian M. Ames.
Permission is granted for non-commercial use only. Altering lyrics
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accesses since 6/18/97. Updated 4/28/04
This page copyright © 1997 Brian M. Ames All rights reserved.