Brian's Palestrina Collection

Missa Ave Regina Coelorum

This mass is one of a form know as a Parody mass. The Gregorian chant Ave Regina Coelorum provided the basis of this mass. The chant has been included although it is not Palestrina's composition. In addition, an intonation has been added to the Gloria and the Credo.

Ave Regina Coelorum MIDI files or take the tour (30 minutes).

Missa Ascendo ad Patrem

This mass is one of a form know as a Paraphrase mass. Palestrina's motet Ascendo ad Patrem provided the basis of this mass. It has been (will be) included although it is not part of the mass. In addition, an intonation has been added to the Gloria and the Credo.

Ascendo ad Patrem MIDI files or take the tour (30 minutes).

5-Limit, 19-Tone Just Intonation

The sequences for Kyrie and Gloria of this mass have been created using an alternate tuning known as 5-limit, 19-tone just intonation to produce richer chords. The sequences for the other parts will be converted as time permits.

Missa Papae Marcelli

This mass is one of a form know as a Free-Composed mass. Palestrina used no pre-existing melody or polyphony to compose this mass.

Missa Papae Marcelli MIDI files or take the tour (30 minutes).

5-Limit, 19-Tone Just Intonation

The sequences for all movements of this mass have been created using an alternate tuning known as 5-limit, 19-tone just intonation to produce richer chords.

Missa Veni Sponsa Christi

This mass is one of a form know as a Paraphrase mass. Palestrina's motet Veni Sponsa Christi provided the basis of this mass.

Missa Veni Sponsa Christi MIDI files or take the tour (22 minutes).

5-Limit, 19-Tone Just Intonation

The sequences for all movements of this mass have been created using an alternate tuning known as 5-limit, 19-tone just intonation to produce richer chords.